mohammed alkharroubi mohammed alkharroubi Author
Title: Roles of JAD Group Members
Author: mohammed alkharroubi
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The roles of JAD group members as a project sponsor, project leader, timekeeper and clients are described below. Project Sponsor - remember...

The roles of JAD group members as a project sponsor, project leader, timekeeper and clients are described below.

Project Sponsor - remember, this is the person who owns the business process. Their support and participation is crucial to the success of the JAD. In addition to the project responsibilities listed below, the project sponsor and the lead analyst can share the role of Project Leader, being equally responsible for the successful completion of the JAD. 

Project Sponsor Responsibilities 

● ensure the right clients are part of the group 

● ensure there is enough technical staff support for the project 

● ensure that software/hardware is purchased as needed for the project 

● ensure that the clients are given time off from their regular work to attend the JAD meetings and to perform the tasks they are assigned by the JAD (policy research, gathering information / opinions from other client groups, documentation, testing) 

● assign and work on policy research 

● delegate tasks to clients who are in the group 

● ensure that the client tasks are done 

● assist in the selection of test cases 

● assist in the definition of the scope and functionality 

● assist in benchmarking against current systems and external systems 

● help set up quality measures 

● evaluate whether the system is effective and efficient 

Project Leader - the project leader can make or break the project. They need to be committed wholeheartedly to the project, and to have a background knowledge of the business area and current or related information systems. They also need to be committed to The University, and to understand the implications of the project within the context of University goals. They need to be enthusiastic and objective. They need to be sensitive to political issues and able to draw out the opinions of the quiet members of the group, and to not allow any single individual to dominate the group. 

Project Leader Responsibilities 

● work with project sponsor to ensure the right people are in the group 

● ensure all roles for the group are filled 

● ensure that meetings are scheduled and publicized with agendas 

● ensure that agendas are planned and followed 

● ensure that meeting notes are taken, and published by the record keeper 

● edit the notes and make sure they are not a transcript but a concise accurate summary of decisions made (both pro and con) and issues discussed and actions to do (make sure they are available historically if a new member has to join in the middle of a project) 

● ensure that tasks are assigned and done, and that a task list is planned and executed in the sequence that it needs to be, with appropriate timelines 

● coordinate the technical efforts of the analysts on the team 

● do research prior to the meetings to make sure background information is gathered on the appropriate agenda topics 

● facilitate the meetings effectively 

Record Keeper - The record keeper takes comprehensive notes during a session, and then edits them into a concise summary of discussions and decisions. It is important that the resulting notes NOT be transcription of who said what. The role can be shared by various members of the team as needed. Often a well-facilitated meeting will have a note taking record keeper, and also someone who records points on an easel pad. The easel pad serves as a ready reference to the group when summarizing discussions, and for return reference on complex points. And it also is a means for the record keeper to evaluate the accuracy and thoroughness of their notes. 

Record Keeper Responsibilities 

● take accurate and thorough notes during the meeting 

● ask for clarification on points if anything is not clear 

● summarize and condense the notes after the session 

● ensure that the JAD leader and project sponsor or other relevant people proof and edit the notes prior to publishing 

● publish the notes for all current members of the team and for any other interested parties 

● keep a history of the notes for the benefit of any members who join the team in mid-project 

● remind the group if they contradict earlier decisions and make sure they know they are in contradiction. 

Timekeeper - The Timekeeper is responsible for keeping the meeting running on time and helping the group use time wisely. 

Timekeeper Responsibilities 

● makes sure the meeting begins and ends on time 

● help the meeting stay on time for each topic on the agenda 

● reminds the group that they need to end a discussion in order to have time to summarize and create an action plan in the final minutes of the meeting 

Clients - Clients are here because this is a system they use. They understand how this system is used in the real world. They will help the group understand all the tasks handled by the system, correct any misperceptions, search for oversights and supply details. Remember, no detail is too small to mention. Sometimes minor details make a major difference in the way the system should work. 

Typical Client Responsibilities 

● describe the sequence of events in a business process as it affects their office 

● describe the decisions that have to be made in a business process 

● define the information that the process has to deal with 

● define what is critical vs. what would be nice for the first version of the system 

● bring up any problems that exist in the current process or any opportunities for making it more efficient 

● research policy questions when a new business procedure is being proposed 

● analyze if there are any obstacles to success in the current environment of their office for implementing the new system 

● create test cases for testing 

● run test scripts on the cases 

● give the developers feedback on the usability and accuracy and effectiveness of the system in an organized, documented way 

● help prepare documentation on how the system works from a client's point of view 

● help prepare and implement training for other clients 

All Team Members - have the following responsibilities: 

● Commitment to the team 

● Regular attendance 

● Actively listen 

● Actively participate 

● Identify concerns 

● Brainstorm ideas 

● Recommend solutions 

● Agree upon a design by consensus 

● Assist with project duties 


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